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  4. Process gas cleaning in additive manufacturing

Process gas cleaning in additive manufacturing

Scalable process air purification

AMF 60

The AMF 60 is a modular mobile gas purification system for 3D printing processes under inert gas.

It offers the following advantages:

  • Low process costs

  • Simple and intuitive operation and maintenance

  • Small footprint

  • Hoigh filtration rate

Side view of the white system with display on the front slope
Click here for more information

Product details AMF 60

AMF 200

The AMF 200 is a globally unique system for flexible process air purification in metal-based additive manufacturing (LPBF - laser powder bed fusion).

The solutiuon's most significant benefits are:

  • Contamination-free filter and powder handling

  • Simple and intuitive operation

  • Space-saving

  • Scalable

Small picture of the extraction system for process gas cleaning
Click here for more information

Product details AMF 200

Fume extraction, process ga cleaning and process air drying

This and much more

We offer further solutions for air pollution control and occupational safety in additive manufacturing.

Your contact at ULT

Boris Frühauf

Key Account Manager laser applications and additive manufacturing

Key Account Manager for laser systems and solutions in additive manufacturing
Key Account Manager for laser systems and solutions in additive manufacturing
+49 3585 4128 0ult@ult.deContact form

Our business hours: Monday to Thursday from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Friday from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM.